Your copy doesn’t have to suck

Send us your copy and get instant feedback on what works and doesn’t.

🤙 No Judgement

👍 Fast Feedback

🤘 100% Free

how it works:

Send Us Your Copy
Upload your email, ad, social post, or whatever you’ve written.

We Review It
Within 24-48 hours, we’ll give clear, actionable feedback.

Publish With Confidence
Make a few tweaks and watch your words shine.

You’ve Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers.


  • You can expect clear, actionable, and professional feedback tailored to your specific piece of copy. We’ll point out what’s working (because we’re not monsters) and offer practical suggestions for improving clarity, tone, structure, and engagement. Whether it’s tightening up your message, making it more persuasive, or helping it flow better, our advice is honest, helpful, and occasionally a little sassy.

  • Anything! Emails, ads, social posts, web pages—you name it.

    No books… We aren’t going to proof read your book. You can ask ChatGPT that to do that.

  • It’s completely free. Seriously.

    We take tips, though.

  • We aim to review and respond quickly (24-48 hours quickly), so you can keep moving.